P3 ProSwing

The P3ProSwing™ combines a  golf simulator and a swing analyzer that tells you exactly what your club is doing as you swing through the impact zone.

Let’s Test your swing. Just add the reflective tape to the bottom of your club, and you are in business. You can tee up or hit iron shots right off the sensing platform

This  provides a visual representation of highly accurate analysis of club mechanics. Measured testing shows that the P3ProSwing is capturing club data with a high degree of confidence:


From this data, ball flight is predicted, and the ability of the P3ProSwing to predict the shape of the shot is unparalleled. The nuances of fade and draw, push and pull are all generated in a method that delivers a high degree of confidence in the display of the ball flight dynamics.

You can tee up or hit iron shots right off the sensing platform. Use every club in your bag. The P3ProSwing golf simulator and golf swing analyzer is great for woods, irons and putting. Use any type of golf ball you want … or no ball at all. Just place the reflective tape on the bottom of your club and the P3ProSwing does the rest.